Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Mark Your Calendar

With the multiple anomalies present comes multiple doctors appointments to keep. We are booked for appointments from now until May. Although it is a bit tiring trying to juggle work, the demands of infant care, caring for a 5 year old, and running a household, the genetics doctors did assure me that as time passes there will be lesser and lesser medical appointments that we need to keep.


- Labwork to check for Creatinine levels.

- This February we met with the EENT doctor after being referred by the audiologist when she was not successful to do a full diagnostic hearing test in January. She has fluid in her ears.

- Appointment with the Pediatrician and her first set of immunizations.

- Another appointment with the pediatrician.

-Renal doctor is keeping close watch of our daughter given that she has renal issues. frequent bloodwork to check for her creatinine levels needs to be done. A follow up appointment set this month.

- A consult with Opthalmology and immunology was sent out by the genetics doctors. in light of other health conditions associated with WHS, these consults were made so they can check for visual issues and immune system issues.

- We will be meeting with the Craniofacial team. The nurse said that it is long appointment with a team of people (Craniofacial doctor, pediatric surgeon, social worker, EENT, audiologist, etc). At this meeting we will be discussing the plan to repair her cleft palate.

- 4th month baby check-up, next set of immunizations.

- The EENT doctor has schedules surgery to put tubes in her ears sometime the end of April. The audiologist will also be performing a sedated ABR at the same time.

- A follow up neurology appointment was set up in May.

We are still waiting for the cardiology consult, the GI doctor consult, and the schedule for an EEG to check for seizure activity.

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