Monday, February 08, 2010

Bed Rest and Stress Tests

Bed rest was not really bed rest. I didn't really need to be confined in my bed all day long. It was more of having me to not be on my feet too much (i practically stand all day because I am a teacher) and to not be getting tired because the doctor says that it is not so much as to the amount of food or calories that I eat that significantly affects how my baby grows, rather having ample rest has a much greater impact on getting the baby to grow bigger.

Ever since I took a leave from work, I was scheduled to have a series of OB appointments to go to. I was scheduled to have Non Stress Tests twice a week until I deliver the baby. I had to lie and be strapped on a fetal monitoring machine for about 2 hours so they can monitor how the baby is doing. All my non stress tests passed. The baby is not in distress and show no signs that I will be going into labor soon.

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