Monday, April 25, 2011

My Two Boo's

Here is a video my son booing his sister.

Pardon the "W" sitting as I did not want to interrupt their happy moment.


Mihaela said...

Great laughs, Isay!
You gotta be grateful for big brothers! Denise has an older brother too and he loves making her laugh too!
Oh, the W sitting. If I am to correct this every single time that will be the one and only thing I would be doing all day. Denise sits like that all the time. Ugh.

Kisses4Kaylee said...

That made me cry tears of happiness...Isay has grown so much since I last saw her photos. How exciting that she is sitting on her knees like that~ we are still so far away from that sort of milestone. Hugs to you all... she's a rock star!!

Hannah said...

They are precious together!!!!! I LOVE Isabella's laugh, such a sweet sound. And her balance is awesome, even if W sitting!

Hilary said...

LOVE the video! Older siblings are incredible. Thanks for sharing.

Kristy said...